Monday 11 September 2023

Standard Report Customization

Report Name : Payslip Report (HCM) 

Report Path : /Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/Payslip.xdo

Use case : View payslip of employee 

Empoloyee Name :Alkhateeb Hamad 

Person Number :418

Customized Format : 

What Customization do the customer need ?

What is the customization Process ?

bursting query in Payslip report 


with del_opt as (

select del_opt.bip_template_name

, del_opt.output_type

, del_opt.calendar_code

, del_opt.output_name

, del_opt.ext_delivery_option_id

, del_opt.delivery_type

, data_ele.information_column

, prr.report_block_id

, prr.report_record_id

, prr.effective_start_date

, prr.effective_end_date

from  per_ext_delivery_options_b del_opt

   , per_ext_delivery_option_dtls del_det

   , per_ext_data_elements_b data_ele

   , pay_report_records_f prr

where del_opt.ext_delivery_option_id   = :deliveryOptionId

  and del_opt.ext_delivery_option_id   = del_det.ext_delivery_option_id

  AND del_det.option_type              = 'KEY'

  AND del_det.option_data_element_id   = data_ele.ext_data_element_id

  AND data_ele.report_record_id        = prr.report_record_id  




   index(pra_archive PAY_PAYROLL_REL_ACTIONS_PK)


   index(actinfo PAY_ACTION_INFORMATION_N6)*/

   actinfo.action_information14 KEY   

, del_opt.bip_template_name TEMPLATE

, del_opt.output_type OUTPUT_FORMAT

, pay_report_delivery.get_output_file_name(del_opt.output_name






   ,actinfo.action_context_id) OUTPUT_NAME

, del_opt.calendar_code CALENDAR

, 'true'  SAVE_OUTPUT

, DECODE(del_opt.delivery_type,'DOR',NULL,'NONE',NULL,'HCMCONNECT'

   ,NULL,del_opt.delivery_type) DEL_CHANNEL

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('1'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER1

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('2'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER2

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('3'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER3

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('4'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER4

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('5'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER5

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('6'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER6

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('7'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER7

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('8'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER8

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('9'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER9

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('10'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) PARAMETER10

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('LOCALE'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) LOCALE

, pay_report_delivery.get_del_param_value('TIMEZONE'





  ,actinfo.action_context_id) TIMEZONE

FROM del_opt

   , pay_payroll_actions ps_act

   , pay_payroll_rel_actions pra_payslip

   , pay_action_interlocks lck

   , pay_payroll_rel_actions pra_archive

   , pay_payroll_actions pact

   , pay_action_information actinfo

where ps_act.payroll_action_id = :payrollActionId

  and pra_payslip.payroll_action_id = ps_act.payroll_action_id

  and lck.locking_action_id = pra_payslip.payroll_rel_action_id

  and pra_archive.payroll_rel_action_id = lck.locked_action_id

  and actinfo.action_context_id = pra_archive.payroll_rel_action_id

  and actinfo.action_context_type = 'PRA'

  and actinfo.action_information_category = 'GLB_PAY_ARCH_CBID_INFORMATION_FC'

  and pact.payroll_action_id           = pra_archive.payroll_action_id

  AND pact.effective_date BETWEEN del_opt.effective_start_date

  AND del_opt.effective_end_date

  and (( decode(del_opt.delivery_type, 'NONE', 'PRINT', del_opt.delivery_type)='PRINT' AND


   , decode(del_opt.delivery_type, 'NONE', 'PRINT', del_opt.delivery_type)

   , pra_payslip.payroll_rel_action_id


   , ps_act.enterprise_id

   , ps_act.effective_date)= 'Y')

              OR (decode(del_opt.delivery_type, 'NONE', 'PRINT', nvl(del_opt.delivery_type,'EXCEPT PRINT'))!='PRINT'))

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Load Data using ADFdi – ADF Desktop Integration



Click on ‘Navigator’ and click on ‘Tools’ and then click on ‘Download Desktop Integration Installer’

You will ‘adfdi-excel-addin-installer’ .exe file downloaded in your local machine, run ‘adfdi-excel-addin-installer.exe’

Go to Excel Spreadsheet  and click on File > Options >’Add-ins’

Click on Manage and select ‘COM Add-ins’ from list of values or drop down.

Click on ‘Go’ button

Click on the checkbox ‘Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-In for Excel’, ignore if it is already checked.
Click on the ‘OK’ button

Go back to File > Options >’Add-ins’

‘Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-In for Excel’ will be available under ‘Active Application Add-ins’

Now you are all set using ADFdi Desktop Integration


1) Download Desktop Integration Installer
2) Run ‘adfdi-excel-addin-installer’
3) Go to Excel Spreadsheet
4) Click on File > Options >’Add-ins’
5) Click on Manage and select ‘COM Add-ins’ from list of values or drop down
6) Click on ‘Go’button
7) Click on the checkbox ‘Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-In for Excel’ , ignore if it is already checked
8) Click on OK button
9) ‘Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-In for Excel’ will be avaiable under ‘Active Application Add-ins’

Now you are all set for using ADFdi Desktop Integration.


Lets quickly see how to provide data access to users using ADFdi Desktop Integration.