Invoke BIP Report Using Webservices

Report Calling using SOAP Webservices

Oracle has provided a webservice ExternalReportWSSService with “runReport” Operation which helps to run a report which is on BIP of Oracle ERP Cloud and get the output in base64 format. Below is the sample payload.

Service WSDL URL: https://servername/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService?WSDL 

Operation: runReport 

Then click on OK 

Then Navigate to Runreport method and click on request, provide the Request payload 

Request payload:


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:pub="">

  <soap:Header />








              <pub:item>03-24-2023 00:00:00</pub:item>
















Report has 2 Parameter and the same need to be added in above Payload 

 Report Parameters are as shown below .

  1. p_date -->Mandatory parameter -- Incorporated in above XML Payload 
  2. P_DOCID -->Optional Parameter -- Incorporated in above XML Payload 

Request Payload 

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:pub="">
			<!-- Flatten XML should always be false 
                         when we have XML type of output to display 
                         the XML tags as mentioned in BIP Data Model
                         and display XML structure in as expected format -->
				  <!--1st Parameter of BIP Report-->	
				  <!--2ns Parameter of BIP Report-->
            <pub:reportAbsolutePath>/Custom/Finacials/Payables/XX Vendor Outbound Report.xdo</pub:reportAbsolutePath>
			<!-- Setting sizeOfDataChunkDownload to -1 will return the output to the calling client -->
Response payload:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
      <ns2:runReportResponse xmlns:ns2="">
            <ns2:reportFileID xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
            <ns2:reportLocale xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
            <ns2:metaDataList xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>

Then convert the encoded data to decoded data using  base64 decode  

the decode data will be like this

Report Data:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!--Generated by Oracle Analytics Publisher -Dataengine, datamodel:_Custom_SAI_Custom_SCM_Integrations_Cs_GetItem_Report_CS_UCMREPORT_DM_xdm -->

<DATA_DS><P_DATE>03-24-2023 00:00:00</P_DATE><P_DOCID></P_DOCID>













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