SandBox Personalizatios

Hide Priority Field in Manage Work Order Task


  1.  Label
  2. Maximum Length
  3. Hide & Unhide
  4. Required
  5. Read Only
  6. Deployment of SandBox Personalization's

To make changes to the application, you must first store the changes in an active sandbox. You can either create a sandbox or select an existing one, and make it active. You must activate the configuration tools you want to use in your sandbox. If you plan to use Page Composer in your sandbox and need to edit pages at any layer, not just Site, create a separate sandbox just for using this tool.

Note: You can create up to 20 sandboxes. But, you can increase this limit using the Maximum Number of Sandboxes profile option. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Applications Core Administrator Profile Values task in the Application Extensions functional area. 

Field to be Personalized : Hide Priority in Work Order Page

Navigate to Supply Chain Execution >>Work Execution >>Manage Work Orders 

First create a Sandbox and activate it .

Navigate to Navigator >>Configurations >>Sandboxes

Click on Create SandBox button to create new sandbox.

You can use the tools only after you enter this sandbox

 Add a tool called Page Composer and Navigate to Manage Work Order page and Click on Settings and Actions >>Edit Pages

We can see three tabs on top “Add Content “,”Select” ,”Structure” .Click on Select and place cursor on the field to be personalized and right click and click on Edit Component .

Place cursor on Field to be personalized and click on edit Configuration 

Uncheck Show Component” and Apply .

Now the Priority field is hidden for the current user .To reflect the same for all the users we need to publish the sandbox .

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