Wednesday 10 January 2024

Integrate Salesforce and ERP Cloud

 Salesforce Integration                      Back to OIC

  • In this integration, We will integrate Salesforce and ERP Cloud with Oracle Integration Cloud. 

  • Use case - As soon as account is created in salesforce, it should also get created in ERP Cloud

  • For this integration, you will need below accounts:

  •  Oracle ERP Cloud

Integration gets triggered as and when new customer is created in Salesforce.

Create FLOW in salesforce 

Create SFDC Account using

Login to using SFDC logins -created in previous step
1)Create Flow 
  Navigation to create Flow
   Home >>Process Automation>>Flow>New Flow 

   Record Triggered Flow --When a record is created or updated .

   Triggering point :"when ever record is created ,updated or deleted "
   Object : Account
   Configure Trigger : A record is created or updated 
   Set entry conditions :like only account no starts with 500
   Save the Flow with Flow name and API name 
2)Create Action of type Outbound Message under workflow actions

  Create Outbound message 

  Business Object:Account 
  End point URL :as New integration to be created in next step in OIC 
  Account fields to send :Move attributes from avilable to required fields 
  select all attributed from salesforce to be needed in Cloud ERP to create         customer account 
 Save Outbound Message --It will generate Abstract WSDL file --Save it 

3) Create Connection in OIC   View 


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