Tuesday 2 May 2023

Differences Between BIP and OTBI


1.BIP Reports is less user friendly as we need some technical expertise to develop the BIP reports but OTBI reports are more user friendly, we don't need technical expertise. We can develop the BIP report with just drag and drop option.

2.BIP report is the combination of two Objects (Data Model & Report) but OTBI report has only one object Analysis.

3.For BIP reports, we need to write the SQL Query to extract the Data from Oracle fusion but in OTBI reports, we don't need to write the SQL query, except we just select the column which we want to show in the report using drag and drop and create the OTBI reports.

4. BIP reports mostly suitable for complex reports where we have to extract the data from multiple tables but OTBI report only suitable for simple data scenarios where we have two extract data from 1 or 2 tables.

5. In BIP reports, we have the more flexibility in terms of data extraction as we can write the sql query as per our requirement but in OTBI reports, we have no flexibility, we can only extract those data which is available in OTBI reports, we cannot add or do changes in the Data Extraction.

6. In OTBI reports, system write the sql queries automatically based on our column selection for Data extraction but in the BIP report, we have to write the sql's statements as per our requirement.

7. OTBI reports more about simple data extraction tool but BIP is more robust tool as we can extract the design the reports layout as per our requirements.

8. In OTBI reports, we cannot design the Complex Reports Layouts for Data extraction, we can only design table-based data extraction layouts but in BIP reports we can design any report layout as per our requirement.

9. We cannot design the statuary reports in OTBI reports. We have to use the BIP reports tool for statuary reports.

10.From user perspective, BIP reports GUI is much better as compared to OTBI reports.

11. OTBI reports can design very quickly but BIP reports development can take some time.

12.In BIP reports we can use the feature of report bursting but in OTBI reports we cannot use Report bursting.

13. In BIP reports, we can design multiple Templates but in the OTBI reports we can have only single template layout.

14. OTBI Reports access related to Data roles assign to our user account, based on that we can access the data in the Oracle Fusion application but in BIP reports, there is no relation of Data roles assigned to user, so user can access data irrespective of Data roles or access.

15. In terms of security, OTBI reports are more secure as compared to BIP Reports.

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